
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wild Blackberries

Yesterday was a decent day so I went to the garden to weed eat the back fence and  the weed eater was broken.  I tried to fix it but couldn't so I had to find something else to do.  I gathered up what squash I could pick and put the kids on the four wheeler and drove to town to sell squash.  Not much luck I only sold $5 dollars worth so then I decided to pick black berries because they are ready.

We got on long sleeves, pants and boots. I left the baby down the hill at Grandpa's house and we went back up to pick the berries.  The first bush we came to had huge berries.  I think we ate more than we kept. Emily started crying to go home so I loaded everyone and took them to Grandpa's too.  My husband was so impressed with the berries him and his daddy went back with me.  
  My bucket was full and by this time Kyle was putting in to go home. So I loaded him and took him to Grandpa's emptied my bucket and went back for more. I picked one more bucket before calling it a day. Buddy picked a gallon jug.
  When we got home I started washing the berries that we didn't eat.  I put them in a colander and submerse them in water.  Most of the debris comes to the top to be scooped off. I then drain the water and start again until the rinse water is clean.  Then I drain the berries in the colander and put them in a single layer on cookie sheets. Then into the freezer until frozen.  I did this before bed so I just left them till morning.  Then I put them in gallon bags.  The berries are not frozen together so I can measure them out as needed. I prefer it this way because I never know what I am going to make so pre-measuring them would be impossible.  We got a total of two gallon bags frozen yesterday and another bowl in the refrigerator for cereal in the morning. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We have been really busy lately to busy for me to get on the computer and write it all down.  I regret that because if I don't write it down then iIforget it.
 We took the kids to the park. We didn't intend to feed the ducks but the ducks had different plans.  They would actually eat right out of your hands. My husband reached out and caught one of the babies.  Three adults came after him.  Only two of the ducks could have been the parents I wonder what interest the other duck had in the situation.

The kids wanted to catch one too, so we said go for it, knowing they couldn't catch one.

 We also took the kids swimming at the slab down from the house.  They always have a good time.  The water is really cold but they have lots of fun anyway
 Last year all of them were afraid of the water now they all just jump right in.
It was also vacation bible school.  It had a western theme and the kids had a great time. The last night was Wednesday and it was family night.  We had hamburgers and hot dogs then went outside for a marshmallow roast and then fun time in the water with a cow trough for swimming and a dunking booth.

The garden is doing well. yesterday I got a lot of weeding down in the afternoon.  It was the first time in weeks that it was cool enough to work outside for any length of time. I am going down the hill shortly to check on the blackberries.  This weekend is the forth of July and my parents are coming and they like blackberry cobbler.  I hope the blackberries are better this year and I will try a different recipe for the cobbler.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Family time in the midst of chaos

We had errands to run in town on Friday.  We stopped by the store and got things for a picnic lunch.  We went to the park to eat, play and feed the ducks.  I took pictures I will have to post later.  Our errands took us to Devito's restaurant that afternoon.  They have a fishing hole, that  the brothers have ran since the 70's.  The restaurant is a little out of our price range like all upscale restaurants are.  The fishing hole is of course their farm raised trout.  You  can fish there.  It is by appointment and you have to keep everything you catch.  The cost is $6.00 a pound but they clean, bag and put them on ice for you.  That  too is a little out of our price range but is a wonderful idea.  What my kids like is that you can buy fish food.  It is a dollar a bag and you can feed the fish.                                                                                                                                            
 Emily likes to wear flip flops like the older kids but can't keep them on her feet.  She also just woke up and wanted her big brother to tote her
The restaurant use to be close to the main highway but when they redid the road they bypassed the restaurant.
You have to cross an old bridge to get to the fishing hole.  The fish are raised a little farther up stream and then released down to the hole that is separated from the creek.
 Here is where they run the fishing hole from. They also do the cleaning and packing here
Here is where they raise the fish and separate from the creek.
Not the best picture but I wanted to see if my camera would take pictures of the fish in the water. We had a wonderful time. Kyle found out that if you stick your fingers in the water you will get bite. Fish don't have teeth but can still draw blood.  Leave it to Kyle. He is all boy

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I have had a very busy past few weeks.  I haven't had time to write anything down and that is disappointing to be because then I forget things.  I have a lot to do today as well so i will just post garden updates.

The corn is doing well it went from behind to the tallest in the area with all the rain we have had lately.  I had my four year old stand in the corn to give a perspective of how tall it is. It desperately needs weeded, but that will have to wait for another day.

 The butter beans are over the top of their support.  I do not see any blooms yet, and yes, it needs weeded too. As long as my plants are taller than my weeds I think I am doing good.
 The black eye peas are big and bushy but no runners or blooms yet.  These are one of my favorite things from the garden.  My mouth waters in anticipation of fresh peas and snaps.
 The okra finally decided to grow. I finally got the tall weeds knocked down so they could get light.  Okra needs hot weather to grow, and we are finally getting some.
 The sweet potato slips are up and the spot to plant them is tilled. Maybe this week I will get them planted.
 Tomatoes are doing great.  Big healthy plants. Not that many green tomatoes yet. I planted quite a few tomatoes so that I will have plenty to put up.
 We are eating squash now.  I have had two messes of it.  Squash is my son's favorite of all the garden vegetables.
We are also getting some new potatoes.  I was pricing them at the store and they are only .98 a pound.  I just thought they were more than that.
 Lots of onions.  We are using every other one so that we can have green onions now and bulb onions for later.  I plant the sweet onions so they don't last as long as the white onions.  I don't intend on trying to dry store that many in panty hose this year like I have done in the past.  They had got maggots and I really don't like that.  Maybe when I get that storage building built then they will keep better.
My lettuce has run away with me, but that is OK.  I am going to let it go to seed so that I can keep some to plant next year.  The less seed I have to buy the more profitable the garden.